
Participatory Budgeting in Józsefváros has been launched!

What is participatory budgeting?

Participatory budgeting is a process through which community members can directly influence how a certain part of the district budget is used. It is a process that is repeated year after year, with projects proposed and prioritized by residents. The results are transparent and accountable.

What are the conditions for participation?

The participatory budgeting process consists of two main stages: submitting ideas and voting. The conditions for participation are different in the two stages. Anyone who has some connection with the district and is over 16 years old can submit an idea. Only residents of the district can vote. To submit an idea and vote, you must register on the website: reszvetel.jozsefvaros.hu

What are the districts?

In the 2022 participatory budget, residents of Józsefváros can decide how to spend HUF 120 million. In order to avoid unequal competition between neighborhoods, Józsefváros has been divided into 3 districts. In each 3 district ideas will be implemented up to a limit of HUF 40 million. You will have a total of four votes: two in your own district (where you live) and one in each of the other two other districts.

What kind of ideas can you submit?

We are looking for ideas that will strengthen the community and make the district greener, safer, more inclusive, fairer, more likeable or more liveable.

What ideas should not be submitted?

If your idea is only for an unduly narrow group of people, or if it will only benefit you, please develop it in a way that will help as many people in the district as possible to address the issue you are raising.

We will not be able to implement your idea if you dream too big, as there is a maximum of HUF 40 million for the ideas per district. For example, the overall redevelopment of a large public space is unlikely, but some elements such as a bike lane, a bench or a tree may fit within the participatory budget.

If you only want to suggest a small improvement (potholes, street furniture in bad condition), we suggest that you submit your proposal on the Józsefváros app, as it will be solved faster than if it goes through the whole participatory budgeting process.

We can’t accept ideas that don’t affect the Józsefváros Municipality’s functions or territory (e.g., state territory, public transport schedule, schools, private property), or if it’s not a development but concerns the making of new legislation.

What happens to my idea after I submit it?

The idea submission process can include more or less elaborate project plans. The ideas received by the municipality go through a multi-stage screening and development process. The progress of ideas can be tracked on the website and the submitter of the idea will also be notified directly of the progress of their idea.

What do the district working groups do?

Ideas will be submitted and pre-screened by the Office of Community Participation from March 1 to April 30, 2022. This will be followed in May by a substantive screening phase, which is done by the working groups made up of residents from the three districts. Three working groups will be formed, in which volunteer residents from the respective districts will work together with municipal staff and elected members of the local assembly. The district working groups will consider the ideas already filtered by the Office of Community Participation. Similar ideas will be combined, consolidated and a list of ideas will be compiled for the ballot. The responsible municipal department, company or institution will also be involved in the preparatory work. In the end, the three working groups will meet jointly to compare the lists in each district and decide on the content of the final ballot paper.

How can I vote?

You can vote for ideas that pass the screening process from June 1 to July 31. You will be able to vote online or in person. All residents of Józsefváros over the age of 16 can vote.

Who will implement the ideas?

It is up to the Municipality of Józsefváros to implement the ideas voted by the residents of the district. If the municipality involves a partner in the implementation, they will be selected through a tender.

Contact details of the Community Participation Office:
E-mail: reszvetel@jozsefvaros.hu
facebook.com/groups/jobannyolcban and facebook.com/reszveteliiroda
Phone: +36 1 459 2139
Address: Baross utca 63-67.


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